Polite Disagreements Podcast
Friends since childhood, join Dan, Alex, Greg, and Anthony, as they reconvene to wrestle with the world's most daring questions and problems.
101 episodes
Best Vacation Things
What's the best part about being on vacation? Being away from work? Staying up past your bed time? Subsisting on a diet of Four Look and Fritos? Find out what out what we think.

Boston MLK Statue and Fast and Furious
We discuss the controversial new statue commemorating MLK in Boston. Then we get into the outcome of the wager made on this year's NFL prediction podcast, which naturally devolves into a long discussion on the entire Fast & Furious sa...

The Freshest News
We've had no idea what's been going on in the world with all these podcast breaks, so we had to get the word straight from News Man Dan. Elon is up to some dumb stuff, a new world record has been set, and Weez was a snappy dresser at age ...

Thanksgiving Conversation Topics
At long last, the gang is back! And we're here to coach on the best things to talk about at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Tired of falling into the pitfalls of arguing about politics and religion with your relatives you see twice a...

Fall Things Bracket Extravaganza
In an homage to one of our earliest and worst episodes, the great seasonal debate, we're putting all the best things about fall into a tournament of champions to decide which fall thing is the most fall of them all.

Expert Relationship Advice
We're back again by popular demand based on the wild success of our past forays into the playing armchair therapists for the internet's relationship advice-seekers. Listen to hear the answers to all of your relationship problems.

NFL Preview feat. the Hottest Hot Takes
For the third year running, we're talking football as the NFL season begins! We hit you with some Steeler talk, some takes so hot they might burn right through your AirPods, and our super bowl predictions. We assume we'll be contact...

Binge-able TV Shows Round 2
Back at the beginning of the pandemic we gave some recommendations for some of our favorite shows to consume in large quantities during on lockdown. While the pandemic has pretty much run its course, we've still been watching a lot of TV,...

Golf Stories
We share some of our favorite stories about the world's least boring and most affordable sport, which lean more towards Jackass-esque than tales from your average Saturday at the country club.

Weez is a new dad, so Dan imparts fatherly wisdom. Alex needs no wisdom because he took the best parenting class on earth--shoutout to Janine Balkin.

Japanese Things
Alex felt like talking about Japan this week and we all got more into it than expected. We also drink some sake for the occasion.

Dad Things
Strap on your New Balances and tuck in your t-shirts, we're getting our dad on! Father's Day wasn't too long ago, and 3/4 of the podcast is about to be fathers, so we're listing the daddest things of them all.

News and Diaper Parties
Anthony is away on vacation (just vacation, he's coming back whether he likes it or not), so we give the reigns to News Man Dan for a short and sweet episode. Bonus recap of the Alex/Weez Diaper Party and a shout out to our biggest fan!

Who's The Asshole (AGAIN!)
We return to the wastelands of reddit to pass judgement on who the internet's assholes are. (Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 88

News Man Alex
News Man Dan is on vacation this week, so Anchorman Alex steps in to fill the world in on what Florida Men have been up to. Join us for the latest news on cocaine, shady business ventures, and wildlife gone wild.(Episode contains ...
Episode 87

Our Favorite Comedians
We roll through all the jesters whose jokes spark joy. We hope you like bad re-tellings of some our favorite bits, because there are plenty in this episode.(Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 86

The Most Terrible Terrorists
These guys--or girls--are bad.(Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 85

Top 5 Harry Potter Characters
SPOILER WARNING for all Harry Potter books and movies! On the other hand if you haven't read all the books and have only seen two and a half movies, that's fine because you're in the same boat as Alex. Come for the hot takes, stay to listen to ...
Episode 84

What's the Dumbest Thing You've Heard Lately?
We laugh with--not at--some sillies we've heard. Pterodactyls are the same as angels, right?(Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 83

Hostess vs. Little Debbie Mega Challenge
This week we battle it out to decide what is the best dessert cake on the market, and immediately regret our decision to taste test these. (Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 82

Common Misconceptions
Do we really eat that many spiders in our sleep?(Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 81

No Anthony, Just News
We're lost without our faux co-host for the week, so we look to News Man Dan to regale us with tales of record breaking news. Bonus discussion on Netflix's the Ultimatum if you've binged that lately. (Episode contains explicit mate...
Episode 80

Making the Best Band
We all draft a band with one guitarist, one bassist, one singer, a drummer, and a wild card...or all wild cards, who knows? I blacked out after Dan picked Kid Rock.(Episode contains explicit material)
Episode 79